
Ahoj, Nevim cim to, ale kdyz dam prikaz artisan migrate tak mi to vyhodi chyby a nevytvori vsechny tabulky a to chci jen vytvorit ty co uz jsou prednastaveny od laravelu (user, failed_jobs...) Microsoft Windows [Verze 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Všechna práva vyhrazena.

w:\008>php artisan migrate
Migration table created successfully.
Migrating: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table


  SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes (SQL: alter table `users` add unique `users_email_unique`(`email`))

  at W:\008\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php:671
    667▕         // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error
    668▕         // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a
    669▕         // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors.
    670▕         catch (Exception $e) {
  ➜ 671▕             throw new QueryException(
    672▕                 $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
    673▕             );
    674▕         }

  1   W:\008\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php:464
      PDOException::("SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes")

  2   W:\008\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php:464

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by @Kevintinrange (5), pred rokom

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by @Lolitakag (5), pred rokom

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by @DouglasHeila (5), pred rokom

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by @LazuritTog (5), pred rokom

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=24pt]Arietta Smart Chain (ASC)[/size][/b][/center] [i]Arietta is an innovative blockchain network that introduces a next-generation Proof of Authority consensus mechanism, offering remarkable features such as over 100,000 transactions per second (TPS), swift block times, and significantly reduced fees. With Arietta, you can enjoy the advantages of Ethereum’s advanced smart contract capabilities, while experiencing enhanced speed, heightened security, and lower gas fees. Discover more about Arietta by exploring our comprehensive [url=]documentation[/url].[/i]

[center][b][size=16pt]Technical Details[/size][/b][/center]

[b]Proof of Authority (PoA)[/b] POA stands for Proof of Authority, which is a consensus mechanism used in blockchain networks. In a Proof of Authority system, block validators are identified and authorized by a central authority or a select group of reputable entities. Unlike other consensus mechanisms that rely on computational work or economic stake, POA relies on the reputation and identity of validators to validate and add new blocks to the blockchain. Validators take turns proposing and validating blocks, and their identities are publicly known, allowing for increased trust and faster block confirmation times. POA is known for its efficiency, scalability, and resistance to certain types of attacks like the 51% attack.

[b]Block Time[/b] A new block can be completed in just 2 seconds, making it more than 6 to 7 times faster than Ethereum and substantially lower gas fees. This faster block time allows for quicker transaction finality and improves the overall user experience in terms of transaction speed and responsiveness. However, it’s important to note that network performance can vary based on factors such as network congestion and the specific implementation of the POA network.

[b]Speed of Transactions[/b] The speed of transactions in a blockchain with a POA (Proof of Authority) consensus mechanism and a 2-second block time refers to the time it takes for a transaction to be confirmed and included in a block. In this case, with a 2-second block time, transactions can be processed and finalized within a few seconds. When a user initiates a transaction on a blockchain with a 2-second block time, it is typically validated and confirmed by the authorized validators within a short period of time. Once confirmed, the transaction is added to the next available block, and subsequent blocks are added at 2-second intervals. This fast block time allows for near-instantaneous transaction confirmation, enabling users to experience quick transaction speeds and reduced waiting times compared to blockchains with longer block times. It enhances the efficiency and responsiveness of the blockchain network, making it suitable for applications that require fast transaction processing, such as real-time payments, high-frequency trading, or interactive applications.

[b]Utility[/b] The goal of a POA blockchain network for utility applications is to provide a reliable and efficient platform for various utility services. It aims to support a wide range of applications, including payment systems, supply chain management, data verification, identity management, and more. By leveraging the reputation and authority of validators, the network can achieve fast transaction processing, high throughput, and low fees, making it suitable for utility-focused use cases. Additionally, a POA blockchain network for utility applications can offer customizable governance models, allowing network participants to make collective decisions and shape the direction of the platform. This ensures that the network evolves according to the needs and requirements of the utility applications it supports.

[center][b][size=16pt]Overview of technology[/size][/b][/center]

[b]Proof of Authority Upgraded[/b] Arietta employs its proprietary Proof of Authority (POA) algorithm, which effectively mitigates the concerns surrounding the “51% attack” vulnerability. In the Arietta network, validators are trusted, independent entities who operate under contractual agreements to ensure the utmost level of security. This approach guarantees enhanced protection against potential security threats and reinforces the integrity of the blockchain ecosystem.

[b]Incredibly Fast, Secure & Low Transaction Fees[/b] Arietta’s cutting-edge and exclusive blockchain technology enables exceptionally fast transactions, ensures the security of validators, and offers incredibly low fees. With Arietta, you can effortlessly send and receive $ASC (the native token) almost instantly or utilize third-party payment systems for seamless transactions. The network empowers you to create tokens and utilities for various forms of payments, games, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and decentralized applications (dApps). Leverage the capabilities of Arietta to explore limitless possibilities in the world of digital assets and decentralized ecosystems.

[b]Become a validator and make passive income[/b] Arietta operates as a layer 1 Proof of Authority (POA) protocol where validators are responsible for validating blocks. To enhance decentralization, network security, and scalability, Arietta introduces a unique feature where you can collect gas fees from transactions. These fees are in the form of ASC tokens, which you have the flexibility to withdraw at any time. As Arietta continues to gain adoption and offers extensive utility, the need for scaling will arise, resulting in the growth of your fee collection alongside increased usage and adoption of the network.

[center][b][size=16pt]Utility[/size][/b][/center] [b]DApps[/b] With the increasing adoption of Decentralized Applications (DApps) by governments and companies globally, Arietta is poised to scale and accommodate the evolving needs of these entities seamlessly and securely. Whether it involves currency converters, client management systems, or any other application, Arietta offers limitless utility and flexibility. The platform is designed to empower developers and users to build and utilize a wide range of applications, providing a robust and adaptable infrastructure to meet the demands of the growing DApp ecosystem.

[b]Non-fungible tokens (NFT’s)[/b] In recent times, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained significant popularity, and their utility is expected to expand beyond art in the future. Arietta offers a seamless experience for creating NFTs, just as convenient as Ethereum, but with significantly lower costs and faster transaction speeds. By leveraging Arietta’s blockchain platform, users can easily create NFTs and explore the limitless possibilities of this technology, all while benefiting from the advantages of reduced expenses and enhanced transaction efficiency.

[b]Gaming[/b] Initially, blockchain technology found its application in gaming primarily for NFT trading and in-game purchases. However, with the exceptional speed and scalability offered by Arietta, it is now possible to develop complete games on the network, complete with in-game real estate, player interactions, and more. This breakthrough capability enables developers to push the boundaries of game development and create immersive gaming experiences within the Arietta ecosystem. The combination of blockchain and gaming on Arietta opens up new horizons for innovation and presents exciting opportunities for the gaming industry.

[b]Smart Contract Tokens[/b] Porting existing token contracts to the Arietta network is a straightforward process, enabling seamless integration with the platform. However, the true value lies in leveraging Arietta’s exceptional attributes such as speed, flexibility, security, and ultra-low transaction costs. By utilizing Arietta for token functionality, a whole new realm of utility is unlocked that surpasses the capabilities of Ethereum and other platforms. Arietta’s unique features empower developers and users to explore novel use cases and unleash the full potential of tokens, paving the way for unprecedented opportunities in the blockchain space.


  • Total Supply: 10 Million
  • GWEI (Gas): 3
  • Block Time: 2 seconds
  • Consensus Algorithm: IBFT V2.0 PoA
  • TPS (TX per second): 100,000+
  • EVM Compatible: Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • Scale: Increase TX
  • Validator Set: Dynamic

[center][img][/img][/center] [i]The project is part of the Arians ecosystem, but has not yet been listed on any exchange. The ecosystem also includes the established aRIA project, which is traded on several exchanges. Swap between aRIA and ARIETTA 1:1 The start of trading after appearing on the exchange will be significantly lower than the cost of aRIA, so seize the moment! [/i]

[b]OFFICIAL LINKS[/b] [url=]Website[/url] [url=]WHITEPAPER[/url] [url=]Twitter[/url] [url=]Discord[/url] [url=]Telegram[/url] [url=]Github[/url]

by @Wendypsype (5), pred rokom

Biographies & Memoirs / Community & Culture

Free download: [b] Haben: The Deafblind Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law [/b] - full chapters by [b] Haben Girma. (2020) [/b]


[b] Free download : [/b]

'This autobiography by a millennial Helen Keller teems with grace and grit.' -- O, The Oprah Magazine

'A profoundly important memoir.' -- The Times

As featured in The Wall Street Journal, People, and on The TODAY Show A New York Times 'New & Noteworthy' Pick An O Magazine 'Book of the Month' Pick A Publishers Weekly Bestseller **

The incredible life story of Haben Girma, the first Deafblind graduate of Harvard Law School, and her amazing journey from isolation to the world stage.

Haben grew up spending summers with her family in the enchanting Eritrean city of Asmara. There, she discovered courage as she faced off against a bull she couldn't see, and found in herself an abiding strength as she absorbed her parents' harrowing experiences during Eritrea's thirty-year war with Ethiopia. Their refugee story inspired her to embark on a quest for knowledge, traveling the world in search of the secret to belonging. She explored numerous fascinating places, including Mali, where she helped build a school under the scorching Saharan sun. Her many adventures over the years range from the hair-raising to the hilarious.

Haben defines disability as an opportunity for innovation. She learned non-visual techniques for everything from dancing salsa to handling an electric saw. She developed a text-to-braille communication system that created an exciting new way to connect with people. Haben pioneered her way through obstacles, graduated from Harvard Law, and now uses her talents to advocate for people with disabilities.

Haben takes readers through a thrilling game of blind hide-and-seek in Louisiana, a treacherous climb up an iceberg in Alaska, and a magical moment with President Obama at The White House. Warm, funny, thoughtful, and uplifting, this captivating memoir is a testament to one woman's determination to find the keys to connection.

[b]>> [url=]Download PDF[/url] <<[/b]

Another books: [url=]Download: Behind the Scenes - Audible by Elizabeth Keckley (2018)[/url] [url=]pdf: The Creative Toddler’s First Coloring Book Ages 1-3: 100 Everyday Things and Animals to Color and Learn | For Toddlers and Kids ages 1, 2 & 3 (US Edition) - full chapters by Imagi Press (2021)[/url] [url=]PDF: To Be Told: God Invites You to Coauthor Your Future - Pdf by Dan B. Allender (2006)[/url] 197c63c

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by @IgorlCor (5), pred rokom


Когда приходит зима, многие люди начинают мечтать о горнолыжном отдыхе. Одним из популярных мест для зимнего отдыха в России является Шерегеш, небольшой городок в Кемеровской области, который славится своими красивыми горами и отличными горнолыжными условиями. Для жителей Новокузнецка и других близлежащих населенных пунктов, Шерегеш становится популярным местом для проведения выходных или каникул. Однако, чтобы добраться до этого райского места, вам потребуется трансфер. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как устроены трансферы из Новокузнецка в Шерегеш и почему это стоит попробовать. Одна из лучших компаний по трансферам в Шерегеш - Трансфер из Новокузнецка в Шерегеш - это отличный способ добраться до этого прекрасного горнолыжного курорта. Он обеспечивает комфорт, надежность и экономию времени, позволяя вам наслаждаться зимними удовольствиями без лишних забот. Так что не упустите шанс посетить Шерегеш и провести незабываемый зимний отпуск в этом удивительном месте.

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by @Annacap (5), pred rokom

Здравствуйте! У меня есть уникальная история о том, как мне удачно удалось поздравить мою маму с днем рождения, несмотря на значительное расстояние между нами. Моей матери приходится жить в Нижнем Новгороде, в то время как я обитаю в Владивостоке. Изначально, появились сомнения относительно возможности доставки цветов, но волшебство интернета привело меня к онлайн-сервису по отправке цветов в Нижний Новгород - Операторы оказали невероятное внимание, помогая мне подобрать самый подходящий букет, и благодаря преданности курьера он был доставлен вовремя и в отличном состоянии. Моя мама была полна радости и абсолютно не ожидала такого прекрасного сюрприза. Я искренне рекомендую данный сервис каждому!

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