
Ahoj, Nevim cim to, ale kdyz dam prikaz artisan migrate tak mi to vyhodi chyby a nevytvori vsechny tabulky a to chci jen vytvorit ty co uz jsou prednastaveny od laravelu (user, failed_jobs...) Microsoft Windows [Verze 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Všechna práva vyhrazena.

w:\008>php artisan migrate
Migration table created successfully.
Migrating: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table


  SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes (SQL: alter table `users` add unique `users_email_unique`(`email`))

  at W:\008\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php:671
    667▕         // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error
    668▕         // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a
    669▕         // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors.
    670▕         catch (Exception $e) {
  ➜ 671▕             throw new QueryException(
    672▕                 $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
    673▕             );
    674▕         }

  1   W:\008\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php:464
      PDOException::("SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes")

  2   W:\008\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php:464

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by @Robertlox (5), pred 2 rokmi

[center]This is not spam or marketing, we are at the beginning of the journey and we're just trying to get some feedback, anything constructive would be appreciated.[/center] [center][b]CycoPay[/b] is a payment processing platform for startups & individuals. [b] What do we do?[/b] We are a platform that's facilitating online payments acceptance for startups & individuals with no paper work and no time to waste. [b]What's our value proposition?[/b] Instant onboarding: We let everybody in. Tax remittance on behalf of you: We remit Tax for every single products, because we act as a reseller on every product. API integrations & payment links. [b]How are we different from Stripe?[/b] We've noticed that stripe tends to close lots of startups merchant accounts especially outside of the US. Like them, we offer instant onboarding, however we let everybody in, without paperwork, and when suspicious activity occurs we don't close the account or suspend it but rather let the merchant prove himself. We remit tax on behalf of you, so instead of keeping track of invoices for every order, you'll have just one at the end of the month. Try CycoPay: [b]About Us[/b] We are [b]CycoPay[/b], a startup from the UK with a subsidiary in the EEA. We are an invoicing service that's enabling startups & individuals to acceptance payments via payment links or by API integrations. [/center]

by @TerryJep (5), pred 2 rokmi

[center]Hey, we are looking to get your thoughts on what you like and don't like about cycopay, our high risk payment processing platform. We're in beta right now

Next 50 people who sign up get 10$ upon signup. You can do whatever you'd like with it (including sending it or withdrawing it to PayPal or your card or bank), we would appreciate your feedback when it comes to our product!

The link is for sign up

You can send us a blank email at contact at cycopay dot com and you'll receive a sign up link or you can sign up

or you can send us a blank email at contact at cycopay dot com

10$ for the next 50 people who sign up on our high risk payment processor. [/center]

by @Elmer1492Jease (10), pred 2 rokmi
by @Elmer1492Jease (10), pred 2 rokmi
by @Raymond2403Waync (5), pred 2 rokmi

hello, everyone,nice to meet you

[url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] 97c63c3

by @Elmer1491Jease (10), pred 2 rokmi
by @Elmer1491Jease (10), pred 2 rokmi
by @Beelinenet (5), pred 2 rokmi

Приветствую! У вас тоже регулярные ругань интернет провайдером? Оюъясню, как мы ушли от своего провайдера и решили [url=]подключить Билайн[/url] к нам домой.

Прежде всего, это не спам пост, это реальный комментарий от подключенного абонента (за рекламу никто не платил). Мы очень долго мучились со своим провайдером и пытались добиться стабильного интернета, но выслушивали, что это проблемы нашего помещения. В конечном итоге решили закончить это дело и посмотреть тарифы Билайн на домашний интернет [url=][/url], чтобы выбрать реально недорогой и быстрый интернет (а главное, стабильный).

Посмотров тарифы, стало понятно, что выгоднее всего подключить интернет + тв + мобильную связь от Билайн[url=][/url]. Что вышло в районе 600-700 рублей ЗА ВСЕ вместе! Очень рекомендую [url=]подключать домашний интернет Билайн[/url] в наше тяжелое время, когда провайдеры занижают скорость. Билайн оказался честным в этом плане.

by @Mauriceidock (5), pred 2 rokmi

Spotify Streaming Service

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5 VOUCH COPIES AVAILABLE Of 1000 Spotify Streams Please comment on the thread

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by @Raymond2402Waync (5), pred 2 rokmi

Hello, it's my first time come here

[url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] 52a0571

by @Elmer1490Jease (10), pred 2 rokmi
by @Elmer1490Jease (10), pred 2 rokmi
by @Joshua3351ver (10), pred 2 rokmi

hello, everyone,nice to meet you

[url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=http://xn--53-6kc3bfr2e.xn--p1ai/forum/messages/forum5/topic16/message31366/?result=reply#message31366]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] 52a0571

by @Joshua3351ver (10), pred 2 rokmi

hello, everyone,nice to meet you

[url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=http://xn--53-6kc3bfr2e.xn--p1ai/forum/messages/forum5/topic16/message31366/?result=reply#message31366]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] [url=]I am very happy to cme here[/url] 53c352a

by @Raymond2401Waync (10), pred 2 rokmi

This is my first time come here

[url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] a43ca70

by @Elmer1489Jease (10), pred 2 rokmi
by @Raymond2401Waync (10), pred 2 rokmi

Hello, it's my first time come here

[url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] [url=]I am glad to come this forum[/url] 2a05719

by @Elmer1489Jease (10), pred 2 rokmi
by @Scottsag (5), pred 2 rokmi

If you have straight hair, you may be wondering how to get curly hair for men. Fortunately, it’s very possible to make straight hair curly with the right men’s styling products and tools. As long as you don’t have very short hair that won’t curl at all, this tutorial will show you exactly how simple it is to get a wavy or curly hairstyle with thick, straight hair. I found this information on this website [url=][/url]

by @Geraldrex (10), pred 2 rokmi

[center][b]These canvas prints are printed with solvent-free HP latex inks making them safe for all family. Multiple decorative frame designs available! Manually stretched! The Canvas Prints from are Ready to Ship in 24h & have The Lowest-Price-in-the-USA Guarantee.

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HomaPage : [url=]kristendecor Canvas[/url] [url=]uc canvas[/url][/b] [img][/img] [/center]